Back in the 70s and 80s, just before porn became "mainstream", LCN was neck deep in t6he industry
All of the early west coast porn industry producers, Trainer, Orley, Damiano, Gorley, were all paying juice to what was then the LA family. But it didn't end there.
Theaters and "Adult book stores" were shaken down as well.
A lot of guys went in entry level as "clickers and counters"
A "clicker" was a guy who went into a porn theater with one of those old fashioned low tech hand held devises where every time you pressed the button, the numbers would progress and it would "click".
They then reported how many people were in the theater, and that was the means by which the vig the owner had to pay was established.
"Counters" were guys who went in and counted the number of VHS tapes and mags were on the shelves and store rooms of the book stores, and then keep a daily count on what was sold, again, that determined the Vig.
If this sounds like nickles and dimes, think again.
It was collectively very lucrative.
This still happens to a lesser extent today in certain places, only needless to say no one uses "clickers" anymore

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.