For the sparse few golf fans on the BB. The "wrap around" season is in full swing (get it?), and Tiger Woods is rapidly fading into "he could have passed Jack". After last year we all thought he may have recaptured the magic with 5 wins - despite no majors - and reclaiming # 1. BUT its a new year and the Tiger is now a pussycat with a surgically "repaired?" back. Its a shame. Golf needs Tiger. Stats show that he is the draw for viewers. Oh well.

On a personal note. On Monday I got out for my first 9 holes of the season at my favorite, local hackers course. Hamilton Trails, a 9-hole a challenging layout with a nice mix of par 3, 4, 5s. First hole, 395 yds, dog-leg left, par 4. I stripe an easy 3 wood 200 yds to the dog-leg, 2nd shot another 3 wood, caught it a little thin, but I'm 5 yds from the green, chip on to within 3 feet, make the putt for an opening PAR! After that. bogeys and doubles and a triple. I love golf.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12