I sure can...first hand
It actually started under Frangiamore and Pops, but it was Todaro who put the pieces back together.
AS I have often said, the ABC wars were not confined to Rochester.It went on from Ohio to New England and from the Adirondacks to Pennsylvania.Everyone thought they could grab a chunk of real estate becuse the perception was Buffalo was on the ropes. In Easten upsate NY, it was the Colombo's and Buffalinos.
Frangiamore went to the commission and Tony Ducks said, and I quote,"I don't give a shut who runs those cow towns"
The attitude of the crews in Upstate NY was that we were rather die a miserable death than have to answer and kick up to scumbags like D'Ela and Persico, so we went to the mattresses and stood our ground.
In the end we won but it cost some of us our lives and a lot of us our freedom, some for longer than others.
By the early 90s it was over but the leadership structure was in shables. It was Tadoro that came in and sorted it all out.
I have known the current skipper from central NY since we were kids, and Russ is a stand up guy, but all due respect, he is NOT his dad. Benny Carcone was a superstar, may he rest in peace

Last edited by TheArm; 03/30/14 07:46 AM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.