Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
What did Stanley Valenti do in the last 22 years, did he manage to use the ill health excuse to avoid trial for so long?

Originally Posted By: TheArm

Red Russotti was either from Brighton or Henrietta, (my memory is failing at the moment), but like the rest of the breakaway Rochester faction, he was a made Buffalo guy who sided with Velenti and Gingello in an attempt to create the "Rochester Family". I think at one point he was the self styled "underboss"...something which the commission never recognized.

Wasn't he the boss after Valenti was forced to resign? I thought the underboss of the A-team was Gingello and Picarreto the consigliere.

It was all such a jumbled mess and so long ago, you may be right, and I may have the self anointed roles of Russotti and Gingello reversed. It was so pounded into our heads that it was still Buffalo and these guys were all outlaws that we never recognized it anyway. My station at the time was a bit to the East, trying in my limited way to keep all of upstate NY from slipping out of Buffalo's hands

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.