Some of the other posters can fill in the blanks but basically the Genovese family is run by a ruling panel of senior members. Benny Eggs is basically retired. Dom Cirillo has been alleged to be the consigliere but Jimmy Ida was the last official number 3. I have heard Larry Dentico was/is boss of jersey, I also heard Tona might be boss, and I also heard Mike Coppola might be boss of the Jersey faction. There might be an acting boss but I cannot confirm this. the top guys in the family in no specific order are most likely Barney, Dentico, Cirillo, and maybe Ernie Muscarella. I know I am leaving lots out guys up but I am sure Pizzaboy, Ivy or one of the other guys will know more than me. Hope this helps a little bit.

Last edited by Gingello101182; 03/22/14 08:45 PM.

You say share my life, and I think share my tequila. And then I think.... no.-Principal Lewis