I think generally your right about the zero tolerance toward child abuse type crimes.

Here in Australia there was a HA, Chris Hudson, who triggered a biker war when he patched over from "the FINKS",(now patched over as a club by the "MONGOLS"). His defection set off numerous altercations including the all in brawl at a kickboxing event between the two clubs at a casino on the gold coast. (Type in "Ballroom Blitz" bikie fight on YouTube; good footage). This scumbag then went on a one man drug fuelled crime spree down Australia's east coast culminating in a broad daylight shooting in Melbourne's CBD of his stripper girlfriend and two innocent bystanders who tried to stop him from wailing on the girl, killing one and leaving bullets in the other two. Still, when he was on the run and ultimately on trial, his 81 brothers turned out to support him.

In contrast is this other guy, Terrence Tognolini, a full patch and office holder in Melbourne Chapter. This dude was a serious player involved in major narcotic manufacture and distribution and several murders. (See attached news article for more in depth profile on Mr.Tognolini
However when he was caught banging a couple of underage girls (read kids..cant remember exact details but they were like 11 or 12 years old)His chapter members beat him within an inch of his life, removed club tats with a blow torch and dumped him in a wheelbarrow where they wheeled him to the curb side waiting for hard rubbish pickup. Needless to say he was out bad.
Zero tolerance to messin with kids in Australia. Its good to see even the clubs have standards with this sort of thing.