Its laughable because both parties are essentially the same with identical mercantilist agendas. Hence why elections in the last 30 years have mostly been about expounding on arbitrary social issues (abortion, gun control, stem cell research) as though they are worthy platforms from which to launch a political campaign.

In the last 20 years, privatized prisons have been a booming industry. The fed is chomping at the bit to throw people in jail for longer periods of time for lesser offences. This evolution of criminal justice has been going on seamlessly throughout republican and democratic presidential reigns. why? because the parties only pay lip service to their supposed differences. I mean, really, is Obama's presidency that different from Bush's? Not really. Same military industrial complex bullshit.

Nicky is probably (and I only say probably because I've never looked it up for myself) right but there's no harm in speculation. I wasn't saying I was right, just throwing out a hypothesis based on what I understand about politics.