Recently I purchased the Trilogy on Blue Ray with the FFC comments. BTW, very nice in Blue Ray. Last night I watched GF III and although I haven't watched it anywhere near the amount of times I've seen GF and GF II, I believe it finally found its way into my mental Trilogy and I understand why it was critically panned. It wasn't a romanticized family story with lovable characters. It was no longer a story about the Corleones, it was story about greed and corruption and how it destroys the Corleones. And to provide the ultimate impact, the story implicates one of the highest bastions of morality - the Catholic Church. What a heavy dose of depression.

FFC gave us a mighty slap across the face. Michael never really morphed into a bad guy. The Fredo thing was a brick in the head, but all his attempts to legitimatize were thwarted by greed...and not by individuals, but by "legitimate" organizations.

I thought Al Pacino may have given his best performance of the Trilogy. Sophia Coppola was lambasted by many, but her understated portrayal of Mary was a necessary contrast to Vincent and her parents. Even George Hamilton fit the part. Now Eli Wallach?? The character was wrong, not the actor. He was a devious bastard.

One question. Why was Joey Zaza invited to the Atlantic City meeting? Was he the only one who didn't get a "gift" from Michael. If so, he shouldn't have been there. Artistic License?

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12