Originally Posted By: slumpy

1812 was, in part, about annexing Canada. Hence, why, when you slice the loaf, America ultimately "lost" - Although the ramifications for losing this particular war were non-existent. The capitol moved to DC (the brits burned it down the whitehouse - which was far less grand than it is today hehe) and the boarders remained exactly as they were before the war.

Ironically, when the Americans did invade the Canadian colonies, they thought they would be greeted as liberators!

You want me to go into detail on the Battle of New Orleans? Two weeks after the war was over we slaughtered thousands of your troops and made an embarrassment of your army. I almost forgot, the majority of the people that killed your army was Pirates (Jean Lafitte) and other desperadoes, not the standing US Army although they were present.

Last edited by LaLouisiane; 03/14/14 11:36 AM.

"What are you cacklin' hens cluckin' about?!?!"

"Is that him?!? With the sombrero on?!?"