protecting us from, what, exactly?


I'm sorry that reality offends you and puts you in a position where you feel the need to make arbitrary and baseless accusations. I'd much rather someone protect us from you than anyone else. America, is, afterall, the world's number one leader in trampling the sovereignty and civil rights of foreign nations everywhere.

But as I said in a previous post, war benefits nobody but those at the top of our social dichotomy and we are taught to be proud of militaristic "accomplishments" because it is beneficial for those who profit from war. We try to paint our nations as having some sort of altruistic intent when te truth is, no war has ever been fought for justice. Merely self interest.

But when it's all said and done, all the grand standing in the world won't make the status quo last forever. Empires come and go. America is already on the way out after a short 60-odd years. Perhaps if you think of the Roman Empire's rule, which lasted centuries, it will put this modern world perspective for you; because I think it is something you may lack a little of.

Despite all that I have just said Carmela, I do have a tremendous amount of respect for you. On this subject however, I do not see us ever meeting eye to eye. smile

I would prefer an amicable relationship with everyone on this forum so it is probably better that I just drop this subject, especially since this sort of conversation isn't what this board is for. To that end, I do apologize if I offended you. I meant my remarks as a statement of accuracy as opposed to a judgement being passed - As a former student of history, historicity and its accuracy is something I am somewhat obsessed with. Again, soryr if I offende,d it was no tmy intent.

Last edited by slumpy; 03/12/14 04:24 PM.