Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
Voter registration is public record in most states. You just need the right databases. Whether that registration reflects current beliefs, we can never be totally sure.

I'm not making a political statement but the vast majority of felons favor democrats (http://ann.sagepub.com/content/651/1/220.abstract). In some states, they still can vote after parole has ended (NM, North Carolina, New York). They could be democrats for perfectly legit reasons like maybe they favor better job training or something that democrats favor as public policy.

OK..in response to THIS post....thanks.

Interesting point about felons favoring policies that help then reintegrate into society, but if you're talking about mob guys I don't think this would apply. Maybe I just don't know that full scope of the mafia and its workers but I assumed that we're talking about career criminals who earn their living through criminal activities.