Outlaw motorcycle clubs don't fit the criteria of Organized Crime groups.In a Mob family for example,every member is expected to conduct illegal activity and generate income from said activity. You get made because you are an earner,and in some cases,you have done "work" for the Organization.
You don't see Mob guys whose sole income source is a real job,or who never commit a crime.

In an Outlaw Motorcycle Club,you do have some criminal activity,and some members do more than others,but it's not an absolute must for getting your patch.The dominant Club in my area is the Pag*ns,and I know of at least two members who have no criminal records,work normal jobs,and are generally pretty cool people.They love to ride,love the brotherhood,and live and breathe the Club.

There's no question that some members are involved in criminal activity,but it is not across the board for everyone in the Club.If you choose to conduct an illegal business,you are expected to kick a piece upstairs,and not to involve the Club if you are caught,but it's your call to go that route.

So as not to seem too naive,I understand that if you are bringing in serious criminal money, you may move up in the ranks faster,and achieve a certain status, but again that is the members choice and not a requirement for getting patched.