I've seen people die too only in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit
thousand generations tormented by doubt
tortured with calculation: it's a sin it's a sin
I've seen women fight inhuman battles
raped within, and called whores
thousand generations tormented by doubt
tortured with calculation it's a sin it's a sin
I've seen destroyed lives in the smile of a priest
calm and reassuring, to talk me about the faith
a thousand generations it's a sin it's s sin
he calm smiles in the Majolica Cloister.

99 Posse Tu lo chiami Dio (You call it God)

some clarification, it's more likely that existed a merchant named Muhammad that Jesus Christ, and if it had existed it would have been more like a Middle East,called Jesua ben Nazareth crucified for sedition, as the Romans crucified thousands at a time. That the blond and pale Jesu , with which it is portrayed.
At his death, his disciples were semi-analfabati, and until the arrival of Paul, who's real name was Saul of Tarsus, there wasn't a real Church, understood as an organization, and until the fall of the Roman Empire and the decline of the Byzantine Empire in Italy the Pope was not different from the other patriarchs like which of Constantinople, in 1054 there was a schism between the two Churches, and then came the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church.
Ivy League is right,the celibacy of priests was born in the 4th century but did not become mandatory until the Middle Ages, so that the properties of the priests that were given by sovereigns could return to the church property,and there is right pizzaboy. Until 1870 the Pope was also King, and only after the Patti Lateranenzi in 1929 again became and still is a sovereign of the State of the Vatican. Returning to the present I have no problem opening the priesthood to women, if not in fear or misogyny of the old prelates, with regard to pedophilia, given the scarcity of vocations, the Church has made a mistake by closing both eyes on conduct of the priests, and certain things are understood immediately given that pedophiles are mentally ill, for I am concerned when the priests have the right, not the obligation to marry. And I think that anyone who enters the seminary become a priest you must have faith in God, otherwise it is best that you look for another job.