^I said it was a tough issue, not that it was right. It depends on the intent. Are these Klan members using a Jewish business without malice? Are they publicly outing themselves as Klan members to these people? There are a lot of variables. Fact is you and I both know KKK and Neo-Nazi's are despicable. Would they even use a business owned by blacks or Jews? That's what I want to know before I answer that question.

There is also nothing in the constitution that suggests you can deny someone service based on religious beliefs. Where is that guaranteed? Show me that.

What I don't think you understand Ivy is that gays have been at the bottom of the pool for a long time, ever since Christianity became mainstream throughout the Western world. Put yourself in their shoes, you have two gay brothers for crying out loud. Up until recently people didn't understand them or considered them disgusting and sub-human. All because of a different preference in sexuality. Who can blame them for wanting the same status as heterosexual couples?

I respect people's right to worship however they want. But I don't respect it when it discriminates or hurts other people, hence arrogant Jews, radical Islamists, or Christians who use the name of the Lord to denounce or treat other people as second class citizens. That's what the bill in Arizona propagated. Whether they could have gone to another business is irrelevant, it was a walking disaster that could have extended beyond that of denying service to gays. I mean even John McCain and Mitt Romney were against it

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone