Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
With the exception of Caleb and the country boys, I found performance after performance to be merely meh. Off in many parts, drowned out by the band and the backup singers, just one train wreck after another. I loved the beginning of Majesty's performance, but then she tried to hit that glory note, and my dog ran and hid under the couch.

Agreed 100%. Emily got the boot last night. MK and Jena squeaked by. "Meh" oh, Yeh. Half of them could have been booted last night. I'm going out on a limb here, but I think these "kids" are victims of growing up in a bad musical time; screamers, big notes and those idiotic "runs" (they give me the runs). The combination singer-performer is hard to find and that is what Harry Connick is trying to encourage. Jessica has a great voice, but she looked like she was watching a tennis match. Sam has a unique voice (not pitchy), I'm sure the girls think he is cute, but the stage presence of a broom. Caleb better find a different kind of song to sing other than hard rock - high tenor - manic performance - songs. Who will rise from the heap?

Last edited by MaryCas; 03/08/14 07:43 AM.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12