I find the situation in N. Ireland very interesting. Not only is it a sectarian conflict based on ideological difference, but also one of ethnic descent, religion and State. I find it extremely difficult to condemn the IRA, to be honest. I mean, in the same way that I can condemn the LCN or the Hell's Angels.

I also find with these guys its very hard to find objective opinions that are not mired in propaganda from both sides of the argument. The Brits have a storied history of down playing the Republican movement and the Irish right to sovereignty in the North. And sort of act like she should simply be grateful for Britain "giving" the Irish the south.

The IRA often act like martyrs whose unfortunate civilian killings were an acceptable tragedy of a legitimate war against an oppressive state. But then again, there really are a lot of descendents of british protestants living in the North that fear marginalization and violence at the hands of Catholic republicans - Although I understand that there are also protestant republicans and catholic unionists, though rare.

I'm just very itnerested to see what happens int he british isles over the next ten years. it could be we are seeing the last vestiges of a British empire on the verge of a final collapse. If it can't hold on to Scotland (they have a referendum coming up relatively soon IIRC), how can it hold onto Ireland?