Originally Posted By: Iceman999
I believe Gambino waited until Bonanno was out of the country to assassinate Anastasia.

Also wasn't this at the same time that Genovese muscled Costello out as well?

As for Gambino, the man died at the absolute top of his game. Something which can be said about very few LCN figures.

Yea I think 'Chin' Gigante tried to hit Frank Costello about 2 weeks or so before Anastasia was gunned down in barbershop.

I believe Carlo Gambino to be one of if not the number one LCN figure in America dead or alive. You can prolly count on one hand how many days he spent in jail. The power that he had was just unprecedented. I also believe Tommy Luchesse to be the man to help catapult Gambino to that status.

The fox and the lion is what comes to mind when Carlo is talked about. Tony Accardo as well.

I no that Joe Bonanno was man of the old world and valued the old mafia traditions. He wasn't flashy and avoided the spotlight. I saw Carlo to be of that same mold and just never understood the beef.

Thank you very much for all the responses everyone.

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-