DelcoNostra e TommyGambino they are right , I know of a meeting of the Commission in 1987 , I think, where put it to a vote, whether to kill or not Giuliani.Gotti and Casso give the Ok , others don't, and it all came to nothing . Regarding Toto Riina he wasn't afraid to put at risk the Italian cultural heritage as well as the lives of poor innocent people with bomb attacks across Italy from 1992 to 1993 , until it was captured by Sergio de Caprio, said Captain Ultimo ( but apparently that in exchange for not searching the lair of Riina , Provenzano has sold he to the Carabinieri, because it was attracting too much attention on the Sicilian Mafia ) . Destroy the Sicilian Mafia ? Come on,only after the death of Falcone and Borsellino , there was a unanimous desire to destroy the Mafia, and we came close , but then he let go and the Mafia recovered from the blow . If Riina wanted Giuliani dead , will die not only him, but his wife , his children and all his relatives or his loved ones on which the assassins of Riina can kill. Today, more than 80 years still order to kill judges and other people from the Opera prison.