Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Ivy first off there's no way any of those groups would use Jewish, black or gay owned businesses. So I'm pretty sure a situation like that would be pretty rare. Secondly if it did, do those people have the right to refuse service no matter how fucked up the groups might be? Their money is still green.

They would if they were trying to make some point, just like the gays in these lawsuits were who simply could have gone to another business. You're just dodging the question because you would support them not providing services for Neo-Nazis, the KKK, or Phelps but then turn right around and say Christians have to provide services for gay weddings.

Ivy, right to religious freedom does not extend to the right of refusing service to those based on sexual orientation. You have the right to believe it's wrong but in terms of business you have to set that aside. This issue is so stupid who the fuck cares? I don't think Jesus condoned whatever he thought was wrong, but did he say "refuse entry to gays, Roman officials, gentiles, and whoever else we think isn't good enough"? He did not.

Says who? Religious freedom is dealt with in the First Amendment for reason. It's more important and fundamental than just about anything else. But the shift away from God in our society has minimized the importance of freedom of religion in favor of secular-driven ideas about "equality" and "rights" for certain groups.

Again, Christ would welcome the gay person and, like all sinners, encourage them to repent and change their ways. But that doesn't mean He would have anything to do with an abomination like gay weddings. Nor would He have his followers do either.

The arguments of both you and klydon are built in the same underlying fallacy - anything goes if it's in the name of "love."

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.