Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
You forget Ivy I'm agnostic not atheist. I do not deny there could be a god out there, or some higher power, but I also don't think there's enough evidence for me to fully commit myself to a religion.

People have used religion for too long to commit atrocities, and while I realize not all Christians, Muslims, and Jews are bad in fact it would be foolish to think so, I also think that if we based everything we did was based on the Torah, Quran, or Bible we'd be stuck in 1350 all over again.

But yet I say again you can't deny service to someone because they're gay. It's the same thing as denying service to someone based on race. What you call ramrodding agendas is what gay people call "the right to be miserable" just like everyone else. Love and marriage isn't limited to straight people like you and I Ivy. If two people love each other they should be able to spend the rest of their lives together in peace as a married couple.

No, it's not the same thing as denying service to someone based on race. One has a religious reason for doing so, which is protected by the First Amendment, and the other doesn't.

Let me give you a hypothetical. Suppose a Neo-Nazi group wanted to use the services of a Jewish business for something? Or a KKK group wanting to use the services of a black business? Or suppose whacko Fred Phelps and his followers tried to use the services of a business run by a gay owner in order to make some point. Whether you and others here admit it or not, I'd be willing to bet you all would be against any of those business owners being compelled by the state to provide services for the Neo-Nazis, KKK, or Phelps. And that's because your sympathies lie with them but not with Christians who are against providing services to a gay wedding.

And let's be clear here. I don't think most Christians would kick a gay person or couple out of their business simply because they are gay. But in cases where they feel they are contributing to what they feel is wrong - like a gay wedding - that goes against their conscience and they shouldn't be forced under threat of suit to do so.

Ivy first off there's no way any of those groups would use Jewish, black or gay owned businesses. So I'm pretty sure a situation like that would be pretty rare. Secondly if it did, do those people have the right to refuse service no matter how fucked up the groups might be? Their money is still green.

Ivy, right to religious freedom does not extend to the right of refusing service to those based on sexual orientation. You have the right to believe it's wrong but in terms of business you have to set that aside. This issue is so stupid who the fuck cares? I don't think Jesus condoned whatever he thought was wrong, but did he say "refuse entry to gays, Roman officials, gentiles, and whoever else we think isn't good enough"? He did not.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone