Originally Posted By: cookcounty

spike lee is a movie director

most of the times entertainers, athletes, etc. should be seen and not heard

I actually agree with this. In the past (and most recently with that douchebag Alec Baldwin), I've been quick to point out that celebs should just keep their mouths shut. ESPECIALLY about politics and social issues. And if the celebrity happens to be White (like Baldwin), or Black (like Lee), then so be it.

I've never had a problem with Spike Lee in the past. But he doesn't get a pass when being a hypocrite. If he can make films about Italian Americans, then he should keep quiet about White filmmakers making movies about Black people (he was very critical of Tarantino making "Django Unchained"). There are limitations, of course. If a White director makes a blatantly racist film, then he should be called on it.

Bottom line, it all cuts both ways.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.