Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Saw this coming. She has no backbone.

Arizona governor vetoes bill on denying services to gays

It calls to mind the standard line gay marriage supporters routinely use. The one about how gay marriage doesn't have any affect on those who don't agree with it. Yet, for example, we've seen florists, bakers, photographers, and other businesses who didn't want to provide services for gay weddings because it went against their religious beliefs sued in several states. But don't expect gay marriage supporters to condemn this or retract their previous argument. They never cared about so called gay rights infringing on people's first Amendment rights related to their religion one bit. In fact, they likely take pleasure and satisfaction in all this. It's why the gays in those lawsuits didn't just go find another florist, baker, photographer, etc. Oh no, they have to make a statement. Much like when gay marriage supporters printed names of Prop 8 donors and even went to their homes. The people who are pushing and supporting this agenda are among the lowest of the low.

Ivy you can't deny service to someone simply because they're gay that's wrong. That's what this bill was propagating, it's just disguised as "protection of religious freedom".

No one's fucking saying you can't worship the way you want, I don't give a damn about what deity people worship as long as it doesn't hurt other people. This bill would do that. The thing about social conservatives is that you all want to maintain you're "Religious rights" yet you want to control what marriage is and what people can and can't do behind a bedroom.

What the hell is it with the right wing Christian groups? You people call yourselves Christians and yet you focus so much on putting down another group of people because of their sexual orientation? Unbelievable. If there ever was a hypocrisy it's that. Why not show a little "Christian charity" and just live and let live. Or better yet, love.

And no Ivy love is not "loving the sinner, but then preventing them from becoming ministers, members and marrying"

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone