if the main rochester guys were technically made Buffalo guys, were they all made by Magaddino? was there a buffalo capo or two who the rochester guys reported to? or was the top guy in Rochester technically a Buffalo capo, who was direct with the Buffalo boss?

for example, Valenti was the Rochester family's (disputed) boss. but really, he was just a capo for the Buffalo family? and even though he had his underboss, consigliere, and capos in Rochester, technically these guys were just Buffalo soldiers in his crew?

if true, this seems similar to how the north jersey faction of the Luccheses operated.

but I was also under the impression that Valenti broke off from Buffalo, with no problems, and rochester was allowed to do its own thing (own making ceremonies, administration / structure, etc)

where did you hear that Russotti was from Henrietta ? just curious because a lot of those older guys grew up together and moved out to the suburbs later on. kinda strange if he was from the suburbs originally.

Last edited by tt120; 02/25/14 08:34 PM.