Originally Posted By: thebigfella
Do you guys believe that the philly mob are involved?

The bikers are more involved with the iron workers then any LCN guys.

When my dad was still the Vice President in my local, they did work on Merlino's house years ago. They knocked the wall down between the two houses and turned 2 into 1. But back on topic.
There was a big meth bust like 6 or 7 years ago with the bikers and my buddies dad got pinched along with them. But he was with the iron workers and still is he just got about year or so ago.
Not sure how long ago this was but my father also told me about Merlino's people kicking in Johnny Dougherty's (electrician president) brothers door. I guess for not falling in line and making payments but who knows.
Me being a union member and knowing stories from my dad I still believe LCN has their foot in the door with the unions but no where near what Scarfo was doing in A.C. with the bartenders and others.

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-