abe, you were the one that referenced Paul Williams, a reporter who has been completely discredited as a fraud as well as a Gardai mouthpiece who is well known for dreaming up comic book nicknames glamorizing low level bums with dumb nicknames in order
to make out some next band of deadbeats are the new superhero gangsters on the block that will wipe out the IRA or failing that like the UCA (Universal Cheerleaders Association) at least supply aspiring Irish crooks with some distracting "GO CAFF BOYS" dance routines to distract the IRA as they reach for their guns lol.

This reporter is a renowned fraud who is also irrational in his anti-IRA propaganda to the point of hysteria that even the Irish Independent have told him to "Pipe down a bit". A paper which despises the IRA with a passion. They even go as far as to say that his obvious bias renders his reporting almost irrelevant due to it being so unbalanced and misleading. Here's a critique of his hysterical reporting on a TV report. He was supposed to be exposing criminal activity...

'However, instead of providing an exposé he contented himself with innuendo and abuse, some of it so vehement that the viewer almost felt sympathy for the die-hard fanatics and professional agitators who've latched on to this bitter campaign'.

Wow! Even the Irish Independent see his anti-IRA bias bordering on downright comedy perhaps he should stick to comedy instead? His anti-Irish bitterness is astounding but then he is a West Brit so I can understand why you reference him so frequently abe wink.

Dubliner Niall Harnett was "one of the ringleaders" and "a full-time eco warrior", while retired local schoolteacher Maura Harrington was the "diva" of the protest and the "pin-up girl of every sect of the republican movement". Apologists for the Real IRA, he confided, "are among her biggest fans". Harrington and her "vociferous comrades", he told us later, "run a slick propaganda machine", while in general the protest has attracted "every shade of red and green".

But you may as well be asking an orange order drum-beater for his opinion than expecting any nuance or balance from this guy. Sadly abe I'm sorry to say all you seem to be doing is putting words in my mouth that I never said or manipulating what I have wrote down to the point where you just ain't making any sense.

I said Martin Cahill colluded with the UVF and worked with them, I never said he had a hand in setting up the pub bombings though I couldn't give two fucks what the RUC or Gardai says. They are plain liars and scumbags anyway and I wouldn't believe a word they say. I'm not Paul Williams, West Brit Gardai mouthpiece and drug bum propaganda King.

He was certainly killed by Irish dissidents we can qyibble about the who's, the where's and why's but what we can take as golden is that Paul William's word don't mean shit.

abe you have posted some interesting stuff in the past so I don't wanna be too hard on you but it is important for readers to know you're a West Brit because for balance alone it is important to know how distortion of facts can revise history. The Brits are experts at that hence the typical ignorance of posters like 'British' and 'Five Ritalin Please I Need Therapy' whose only felony is the crap he posts which is just juvenile trash.

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin