Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: British
Sean south you aint Irish, your a plastic paddy that does not have a clue

Fact is us British have pissed all over your cowardly terrorists for years

IRA stands for I Ran Away....

IRA stand for "I Ran Away"?

British, in case you haven't noticed, the Irish have been skull dragging you and your country around, taking back piece by piece of its native land. Was it less than a hundred years ago you had all of Ireland? Now your reduced to a small portion of Northern Ireland?

Your country has been on a steady 250 year decline since we kicked you out of America, and the embarrassments have only gotten worse.

First the Revolutionary War, then the War of 1812, then the bailouts of WWI and WWII.

What's more, the majority of Americans sympathize with the Irish because you treated them the same as the colonies with your imperialistic tactics. But let me tell you, that mighty British navy that your country boasted of a few centuries back has been reduced to rubble. The majority of your outposts have declared freedom and broken away from "the crown". All you have left is that little island called England. Defeat is a painful pill to swallow isn't it?

With God's will, the Irish, my distant family members across the pond will claim what your ancestors unrightfully stole from them.

Be careful LaLouisiane, truth hurts to these guys, before you know it they'll be running to the Palace blubbering to their dear old Queen cry

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin