Originally Posted By: Serpiente
Sr. was not like the guy that did fireworks and held block partys, Not him the way he gave back was he never took a dime from us ,We had a club on Mississippi called A.L.K.I. club that was our card room ,Pool room ,Bookie room ,Ect. and he knew it he was there just a couple times .He did not even ask us to kick up never.The club back door ,if you walked out the ally went right to Scarf Inc.just cross over georiga Ave,all of duck town had these allys,

Now on a different occasion Beeps from north Jersey come down he wants to move in cus we just got gambling and he wanted in.
So he remodels a pool hall right on Artic ave. between mississippi ave. and georiga ave. and makes a couple card rooms ect.so we r thinking Nick is going to hit us for $$ he did not but he hit BEEPS and he was made..

Beeps wasn't made until after scarfo went to prison he was one of the guys tony piccolo made