Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
I'm talking about "Ndrangheta in general. If they are encroaching on American soil, what gives you the vision that they aren't consolidating power in Canada?

Isn't using biker trash as pawns in the game of chess a smart move? Keep your guys insulated and let the lesser nobodies do the dirty work?

If you trust outlaw bikers,I know I don't.
My point is that Ndrangheta is not an organization, it is a name given to a demographic of criminals that have been around for centruries.
Who knows, they may rule OC in all of North AQmerica some day, but I have my doubts and for now at least, the perception and rumors that they are a major force in Canada, is simply not true

Last edited by TheArm; 02/14/14 05:16 PM.

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