Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
It doesn't matter how insulated the hierarchy is. You cannot commit a decade of blue collar LCN-type crime without having many associates and a few soldiers indicted. Even during the best modern runs (the Chin, Massino, Uncle Joe, Steve Crea) have had some pattern of indictments for low level operators.

You cant point to a single historical example of this complete lack of the indictment activity happening. Especially if we are talking post-1970s FBI techniques.

You are just a huge bullshitter that pulls "im connected" anyone even starts scratching the surface of your absurd claims.

Actually no...you are a know nothing chump who thinks histrory can be told in a snapshot, trusts a source who openly admits their information is not to be trusted, and is so far from the street and the places you claim to know about, you have no idea what goes on in plain site there. A simple dribe down North Avenue would be enough for anyone, even someone not interested in these matters, to know a litle something about what is happening.
"Knowing" something is one thing, having enough for indictments is another. How the fuck long did you think the family secrets investgationwent on before the indictments came down?
Since post 1970?
The crew I became a part of ran with impunity from 1968 till almost 1990 with NO one, i'll sayn it again, NO one getting pinched or indicted.
get a clue son

Last edited by TheArm; 02/14/14 04:44 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.