Originally Posted By: philipbracci

You should try and get a picture of him. I wonder what he looks like? I read he had plastic surgery and looks ugly.

What's people's opinion on Phil marrying Marie the girlfriend of Vince Falcone?

I think its a weird setup because obviously she liked Vince Falcone at one point and then to find out her new boyfriend and eventual husband Phil killed him must have caused her some pain and suffering? If not I have to say it sounds like some perverted romance.

I saw a picture of him on the net he gained a lot of weight. I have to find the picture.

That whole situation with Falcone's wife is crazy. Phil kills him and then he gets the girl lol. I'm sure she knows now especially because of his book but I'm dying to no how she felt when she first found out.

"My uncle(Nicky Scarfo) always told me, you have to use your brains in this thing, and you always have to use the gun." -"crazy" Phil Leonetti-