bracci: I never asked him or them anything about LCN,but i would hear them slip.There was one night that Yogi and myself and Tommy and Tony G. were going to shoot some pool at the brjole cafe on mississippi and atlantic,we were waiting for Phil to show up.This was the only time Yogi or any of them talked in a conversation about it.Yogi says to me can i borrow $$$$ i looked up looked at Phil Tommy and Tony and they nodded (like ok)he went on to say that Nick knocked him and Chucky down and he need to $$$$ to make a move.Why he did not ask Phil for it i can only guess that if Nick asked if he helped Lawrence he could say no!!! And i dont think Phil had a crew ,weird but he did everything and i mean everything for Nick sr. As far as Yogi yea he did but i did not know who they were, so many around the office at georgia ave could not tell who they were there for or what..

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."