Originally Posted By: ChiSox74
Good point.

Also there are a number of Eastern European girls who work in those lingerie places on Manheim and I wonder whats going on there, but like I said I don't ask too many questions, because it's none of my business.

I will say I've never been outright solicited in those places though, so I'm not accusing any of them of being brothels

There is a lucertive partnership between the Russians and Elmwood park, and to a lesser extent Melrose Park in Adult entertainment,prostitution and human trafficing. There is a strip club owner who may never know how close he came to getting whacked recently over this, and a lawyer in Country club hills who pays every week.

Last edited by TheArm; 02/13/14 05:51 PM.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.