I think people are confused on what burglary she admitted to staging, if not then you're randomly accusing her of staging some burglary related to the murder that yet again there's not the slightest bit of evidence for, here is an article that speaks about the fake burglary she admitted to staging - http://truejustice.org/ee/documents/perugia/amanda-knox-admits-staging-burglary.html .

Regarding her false accusation against Lumumba, she claims it was made after threats from the Italian police. Whether you believe her or not about that, she also said this - "Granted, I was in a position where I couldn't give answers. But if you read what I said after my interrogations, I said I could not testify against him, and yet his lawyer continues to say I was going to let him languish in prison... ", that's easily verifiable that she refused to testify against him before he had been ruled out as a suspect. Take from that what you will, but i personally can't rule out that she initially named Lumumba under duress.

You have also connected Knox and Sollecito to the murder, solely on Guede's word, who is the only person that has any physical evidence against him. The person who has changed his story multiple times is Guede, he has turned his story from him being completely innocent to him being just an accomplice of Knox and Sollecito. I suppose it's just a coincedence that the only one of the three with a criminal record is Guede, and the only one with any forensic evidence connecting him to the murder is Guede?

I at least need to thank you Furio, for telling me why exactly you think she's guilty. As i expected cook doesn't understand the case and just parroted a random talking point the media have threw out.

Last edited by Camarel; 02/10/14 08:30 AM.