Originally Posted By: olivant
Hey New Yorkers ... and Jerseyites: on Piers Morgan, Ann Coulter stated that the lanes on the GW bridge do not empty out into Ft. Lee. Is that true?

The context in which AC made this statement might be in question here. The traffic jam was caused by lanes going into Manhattan, which backed up all the entrance roads leading into the bridge. All of those entrance roads pass through Ft. Lee. The largest artery entering the bridge is Interstate 95, which likely doesn't have an entrance road from Ft. Lee, but the other major entrance roads do; Rt 9-1-46 from the southwest and Rt 9W from the north. Ft. Lee secondary roads feed into these routes. The George Washington Bridge is designated as Interstate Rt 95 and State Rt 9 (of Springsteen "Born to Run" fame). The roads leading into the bridge are a tangled weave; not for the driving novice. The GW Bridge is a constant site of traffic delays and snarls. Rt 95 is the major route north to New England. I've many many trips over the GW; some good, some not so good. Nice view of Manhattan...if you're stuck in traffic. lol

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12