Hey JBC.how you doin? Nice to meet ya.

Your right about DeLuca, but not for nuttin it ain't over till the fat lady sings and she and them ain't done yet.

However they are no way as strong as they used to be .
If you go to Gates of Heaven Cemetery in East Providence and if you know where Raymonds vault is , you would be surprized to see cigar bands stuck on the wrought iron fence of his vault,I've seen em there more than once now what does that mean, Im sure your smart enough to know what I'm sayin here, capire?

On another note Venda's Ravioli is simply the best and I know David and Dianne personally as we go to the same church and there Sopressata's and the different kinds they carry are awesome .
I agree with you about Casserta's but their winpy skimpy are good and you know what they say " if your not eatin Cassertas ,your not eatin pizza'.
Speakin of Spruce St. have you ever noticed the "Tuscuanny Club " at the beginning of the street with the big " Members Only" sign in the window ?
At the other end of the street right across from Cassertas there used to be a wiseguys bar over there it's closed now but on my fathers soul way back in the late 70's early 80's one day I was going to get a pie at Cassertas and who was standing right there on the corner, none other than the teflon don Mr. Gotti himself and I walked right past him and he gave me a look ,I almost S**t my pants so ,I figured what the f#@k ,I said to him "excuse me sir ,but you look an awefull lot like John Gotti, are you John Gotti " and he replied "yea what about it " I said "oh nothing sir its an honor to meet you and I shook his hand and he siad to me ,"your alright kid" and then he looked at the other guy that was standing with him and smiles and I got the f#@k outta there. I figured he must have been there on business or what ever ,honest in God that is a true story !

Again nice to meet you , Fedora Frank