Originally Posted By: Lou_Para
Other than Paulie,who looked at Chris like a son,I don't think anyone in the Family took Chris seriously or had any respect for him.

It's interesting how there are so many different opinions from watching the same series.

I always felt that Silvio and Chris were close-despite the events surrounding the stolen cable at the construction site. I think Silvio wanted Chris to see that a capo's job wasn't as easy nor glamorous as one may think.

I felt the most friction was with Paulie. Paulie and Chris lost trust over the night spent while lost in the woods, and Chris' storytelling made Paulie seem like a loser. Plus, Paulie would make Chris strip naked to check for wires, and sniffed Adriana's panties during a midnight inspection of Chris' apartment. Paulie disrespected Chris' father in law's business by having it robbed- followed by Little Paulie being tossed through a second story window, and Paulie doing donuts in Chris' front lawn. Chris would run to Tony to complain, while Paulie was old school and followed the chain of command...when Paulie warned Chris not to complain to Tony, Chris was reaching for a gun in his pant leg. In addition, Chris didn't want to pay for dinners and fought with Paulie over the tradition. Finally, Paulie disrespected Chris by announcing his daughter would be stripping at the Bing when she turned eighteen.

I agree with Lou in that nobody seemed to respect Chris. He wasn't a good earner, he was just a bloodthirsty gun at Tony's disposal and was being eyed for promotion way too early.

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)