Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Won't Italy deny extradition if we want to apply death penalty to a case? If that's true, then why can't we use double jeopardy in the same light.

We can't deny extradition,based on the failure of the foreign country to recognize double jeopardy without violating the extradition treaty we have with Italy. In effect we waived the double jeopardy basis when we signed the extradition treaty that recognizes that the application of the Italian justice system (which undoubtedly lacks many of the features we hold sacred to a fair legal system) as valid.

Just as countries, which have banned the death penalty, balk at extraditing people, who may face the death penalty here, we do not extradite citizens, who would face the possibilty of physical torture. Such exclusions are compatible with the treaty.

My son is considering studying in Italy over the Summer. I support him in this opportunity, but stress that when you visit another country you are submitting yourself not only to their laws, but their criminal justice system, and due process doesn't apply.

As for Amanda, she'd be well advised to make plans to relocate to a country in the Cribbean that has no extradition laws with Italy and renounce her citizenship.