Hey whats up Fish. I really enjoy talking about the old days in Rochester. My wife is the niece of one of the famous Rochester guys I have mentioned so I will ask her if I can post any photos. I do not want to post them with out asking, I would be sleeping on the couch for a month lol.

To answer your other question Tony Jr. sold his bar. There were a few fights there and basically the place got a bad reputation. The cops always give the fellas a lot of crap even now if they open a bar that is officially in their names. Thus why they have nothing in their own names.

I was pretty young when I met Sammy so the only stories I have are from when I was a young kid. He was actually my CYO basketball coach before he died. I also trained in martial arts with Tony Chirico as well. He gets to practice his martial arts regularly if you catch my drift lol.

A funny story about Torpey and Taylor is that when they were kids they used to bully kids in their neighborhood by grabbing them by their ankles and shaking them upside down in order to shake out the kids milk money lol. Even when they were young everyone knew where they would end up in life.

One more side note the Joe Lamendola on facebook is not the same guy. Joe Lamendola committed suicide years ago.

You say share my life, and I think share my tequila. And then I think.... no.-Principal Lewis