I've heard the same things about Billy...BUT...addiction is a crazy, powerful disease and to continually kick dope cold turkey is IMO a liability. Glad to hear he is sober, as being sober will certainly provide a clear head for important decisions. I'm from the old school though, and a lot of old timers had a simple rule: Get hooked on dope, you die. It certainly will be very interesting to see what happens over the next 5 years. Especially if DeLuca and Rossetti give up any murders from years past. From what I have been told, DeLuca has provided "a lot more information" than what people believe that he provided which was a chicken shit strip club extortion scheme. They didn't give him a free pass and relocate him for charges that amounted to bullshit...the Feds are doing their due diligence and I'm sure they are going to press Rossetti hard. I also don't see some of the stand up guys in Boston/Providence taking orders from the two fat brothers...stay tuned.