Originally Posted By: LaLouisiane
Originally Posted By: LittleMan
Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
That Bonanno guy who was clipped a few years ago was hit waiting for a bus to go to his construction job.

My first thought was that he was on his way to a rigged "no work" job. Maybe I've been influenced by the Esplanade episodes in the Sopranos.

Lol is that how it works in real life? A bunch of made guys get together in a circle and bullshit all day in lawn chairs while the other guys work? Seems like it would be pretty obvious to catch them doing that?

Nah the closest thing to a real no work job is these positions that most unions fight to keep in every contract. Basically a guy who's job would be phased out due to technology but is kept on to appease the union. These are usually the senior guys in the union or a relative of the pres or something. Usually these are the first positions that go if the contractor and the union have a cash agreement.