Originally Posted By: tommykarate
So were did mad dog sullivan come in.he worked for the genoves mostly i thought.he took iut some big names up there didnt he.2or3dudes

At least 2 or 3. he was the most feared man in America at that time. Sully was free lance he had no particular loyalty but he made it known he was no friend of Buffalo and supported the Velentis,and he took out Fiorino as a "favor" to the Rochester seperatists. Two days later he ended up in Utica and anyone associated with Buffalo or the LIUNA locals went on full blown defcon He ended up robbing a bank and was arrested not long after. He actually beat the bank Robbery charge but was convicted of the killing of Fiorino

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.