Of course he wants to profit off of his time as a Chicago Outfit associate. He's written two books, consulted on a movie, helped with half a dozen documentaries. Even the guys who don't flip profit off of legitimate enterprises due to their business relationships with legitimate businessmen.

Cullotta hasn't been an associate since 1981. That's 33 years. He even stated in a video that everyone who was a threat to his life is either in prison for life or deceased.

I suppose the only people that would even have been marginally affiliated with him that are still in the Outfit (albeit shelved) are Rocco Lombardo, Joseph Cusumano, Vito Spillone, the DiFronzos (but they didn't control West Coast Operations until 1986ish) and Freddy Pascente.

Last edited by Mmalioni; 01/19/14 11:32 PM.