Originally Posted By: Iceman999
"Saved Henry Hill's life 2Xs"

I wished he had time to elaborate on that.

One time that i know of was at Terminal Island(?) prison. Henry Hill got busted under his new name when he was in the WPP...for drugs i think it was....and got sent to a fed prison. They put Hill in the general population at Terminal Island under his new name. Franzese was also there at T.I. and i think Mike said they ran into each other there. Franzese then told a guard or maybe the warden who Hill was and that if anyone found out he was there he would be killed. So they put Hill in protective custody and then released him.

I heard Franzese say this on either a documentary on Hill or it might of been on Franzese...i forget.

EDIT : I just remembered what show that was. "Banged Up Abroad The Real Goodfella Henry Hill". It's on youtube if anyone wants to check it.

Last edited by Giancarlo; 01/10/14 08:34 PM.