Two days ago the "remains" of a woman were found in a suitcase in a wooded section of the town in which I 2 miles from my house. She was found by a hunter, but not far off the road. She has been identified as a 30 year old and died of asphyxiation from strangulation. Her family reported her missing in October. Police have found evidence that she had a room at the Borgata Water Club (casino) in Atlantic City at the end of October.
Whenever there is a body found near Atlantic City (and there have been a few), the media links the story to the four prostitutes who were found dead behind a fleabag hotel on the highway leading into Atlantic City. That was in November 2006 and the murders have never been solved. This should be an interesting case to follow.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12