Also all that you can't rat on a rat shit is bullshit. There is no justifying it. When these people rat they have to give up EVERY CRIME THEY EVER DID. You think they are only telling on one or two rats? No they are giving up EVERYONE. That does not include John Martorano who got the sweetest deal of anyone in history except maybe Massino. How he did that? I dunno, guess they just wanted Bulger that bad because the FBI had egg on their face.

I seriously hate all that you can't rat on a rat bullshit. That's like these kids in camden and philly that wanna be some thugs then their boy gets killed and they snitch, I even heard someone in the county jail before say "you're right I am telling on him he killed my friend". If they were for real they would tell the cops they didn't know who did it. How the fuck can you kill the person responsible when you put them behind bars?