Originally Posted By: bronx
atlantic city ruined a lot of guys.

I wouldn't label him a "degenerate," even though he loves to play cards. But I'm reminded of Tony Megale. I remember back in '89 or '90 when he was waiting to start his first Federal bid. I think he initially got like three years. Anyway, after he was sentenced the judge gave him a few months to get his affairs in order before he had to begin serving his sentence. And in that interim period he came on a junket to Atlantic City and bought into the blackjack table for like 30k in cash. The problem was, he was supposed to be broke in the eyes of the law. And as everyone knows, casinos mean cameras. He was hit with an additional charge of tax evasion and ended up with an extra year or two. Now Tony is a VERY bright guy. But it just goes to show that even the best and the brightest are guilty of bad judgement every now and then.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.