Originally Posted By: SonnyBlackstein
Originally Posted By: TheArm
Second...Be careful when calling the Canadian and Utica crews "formally subservient", they are still very much Buffalo cities and Buffalo crews.....

As for Canada, it's centered Hamilton today is run by a capo and a street boss (they will both remain nameless as their names are not common knowledge)who both report directly to Falzone.

Although you appear knowledgeable on many subjects and aspects of the mob in the Buffalo area I cannot verify what you say and so personally, not that it matters, nor that you care, but Im undecided on your legitimacy.

The issue I wish to press is your above statements.

The suggestion that Hamilton is still 'under' Buffalo is, patenently absurd. In 'your' day this may have been vaguely the case but at best, near the end of the teather.

That Buffalo could excercise influence over the N'drangheta and further in Toronto is well, vastly over-reaching, imo.

If I give you info you can faind on the internet, I am giving you old news, if I give you info you can't varify, you have your doubts....the classic catch 22....but anyway...make no mistake, the indictment and imprisonment of the Falange crew did not end Buffalo's influnce and control of Upstate NY, and the elimination of Pops did not end it's influence in Southern Ontario. All due respect, you suffer from a common affliction of LCN buffs known as "snapshot syndrome". You assume that when an era ends or people are gone due to death or incarceration, everything comes to a screeching halt, it doesn’t. The benediction has been read over the Buffalo family 50 times since the Banana wars, and each time rumors of it’s demise prove to be wrong. Try opening a pizza joint in Syracuse, and see who you end up buying your cheese and boxes from, or do it in Hamilton and see who puts a dumpster in the rear of your parking lot a week before you open, and without you ever making a call.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.