Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: TheArm
But unless you count a faction who was continuously under siege who never got their hands on 90% of the cash flow as a "family", it never existed.

But in this case why did they have an underboss, consigliere etc like a separate family? If it was just a part of the Buffalo family, shouldn't they have been headed by a capo?

It was for years, but in case you were unawre, there was a war fought over this issue. Yes they claimed a Boss, underboss and a full family structure for several years, until they accepted they were outgunned, outsmarted and would never be recognized as a "family" by Buffalo or the commission. The ABC war then led to might just be the longest internal war in the history of the LCN. If you count the early skirmishes and end it at the time of the fall of the Bretti crew and the Indictments of most of the Falange crew, it ran from 1964 to 1992

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.