Originally Posted By: JCB1977
Old News...I know Ron, have spoken with him many times, his daughter lives down the street from me. His inside knowledge has been gone for sometime now, he cooperated going back to the 1970's, but hasn't had union connections and inside info for many years. He is an odd duck as well, supposedly worked undercover for the government overseas in Russia, China and other countries. In my many conversations with him for the project I've been working on, his "concrete" intelligence got cut off in the late 1980' to the early 1990's. Any up to date intel he claims to have is second hand, no direct knowledge which makes a big difference. Just throwing that out there to chew on.

It old news to you and I, but not to the general public. I hate that this cock sucker is going to profit from this, but i'm glad this will be out in the open so people can see what a snivling prick he is. Few people realize that although the Teamsters are a huge vessel for LCN, LIUNA was as big or bigger. I personally used the now defunked local 442 like a cross between and ATM and a short term loan joint. Oh and next time you talk to Ron, ell him he's a POS were this another time and place, I would take great pleasure in covering the hole he was in myself.

Those who asked about the Rochester connection, no matter what the FBI or the Upstate NY media tells you, and no matter what you read in internet forums, both Fiorino and Scialino were casualties of the ABC wars, and what is seldom if ever mentioned in the connection of of the LIUNA locals from Chicago to Yonkers in not only the ABC wars, but so many other moves and scams, a lot of which were centered in Upstate NY.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.