Originally Posted By: oldirtyfishkilla
Arm, You said that Sammy was a real piece of work... Care to elaborate?

Also, I'm wondering if you could shed some better light on the Alphabet wars as you said the media coverage was horrific.

I have read The Hammer Conspiracies and Georgia Durante's book and those are the only books on the subject of Rochester. Anything else is the same articles over and over..

Sammy was flamboyant and loud, he wore his button like a new suit. He made Gatti look low key.
The Hammer Conspiracies focused too much and put way too much stock in Massaro and the conduct of the police and Monroe County prosecutors.
The Rochester, Syracuse and Utica papers pretty much printed AP copy. The REAL story from street level has never been told.

Been there and done it
I am very much for real, so if you ask, make sure you really want to know.